Clean Water Board Meeting
Tuesday, October 18th
2:30 – 4:00 pm
Meeting Purpose:
The Clean Water Board will review and approve the draft State Fiscal Year 2024 Clean Water Budget, including Clean Water Fund, Capital Bill, and American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) dollars, before posting for public comment.
Sign-up to Comment:
Please RSVP by completing this online RSVP form, preferred by Monday, October 17, 2022, at 12pm. Please indicate, using the RSVP form, if assistance is needed to participate in the public meeting and if you plan to attend in-person at the physical meeting location. A list of in-person visitors must be sent to site security staff ahead of time.
Sign-up to Comment: Please indicate, using the online RSVP form, if you wish to voice comments during the meeting. Commenters are also encouraged to submit verbal comments in written form to ANR.CleanWaterVT@vermont.gov with subject line “10/18 Clean Water Board Meeting” to ensure accuracy in public meeting minutes. There will also be opportunities to voice comments at the November 2nd Public Hearing.
Attend Remotely:
Physical Location to Attend In-Person:
The hearing will be held virtually via Microsoft Teams. Join Microsoft Teams Meeting for full meeting audio and visual. If you require a call-in option to participate (e.g., computer does not have a microphone), dial 1-802-828-7667 and enter phone conference ID: 599 193 481#.
Public who wish to attend in person may join us at the Agency of Natural Resources, One National Life Drive, Montpelier, VT 05602 in the Catamount Room (Davis Building, Second Floor, Room D215). Please RSVP indicating if you plan to attend in person. A list of in-person visitors must be sent to site security staff ahead of time.
Agenda and Materials: To be posted on the Clean Water Board webpage in advance.
Contact ANR.CleanWaterVT@vermont.gov with questions (please include subject line “10/18 Clean Water Board Meeting”).
For more information visit the Clean Water Board webpage.