Mill River Road SE Stormwater Practices Final Design
Friends of Northern Lake Champlain
Request for Proposals
May 2023
A. Introduction
Friends of Northern Lake Champlain (FNLC) received a grant in 2020 from the Lake Champlain Basin Program to conduct a comprehensive stormwater and shoreline erosion assessment in the town of Georgia, which resulted in three 30% designs for stormwater projects that will reduce phosphorus loading into St. Albans Bay. One of the proposed projects was a combination stormwater management practices at the Southeast end of Mill River Rd (Figure 1). The section of the Mill River that is directly downstream from this proposed project is currently listed in the 2020 impaired (303d) waters due to agricultural runoff, streambank erosion, nutrient pollution, and sedimentation/siltation.
Runoff along Mill River Road was identified in this assessment to be damaging the infrastructure surrounding the road. A gully has formed (Figure 2) just uphill of Mill River and sedimentation has increased into Mill River while uncontrolled runoff has changed the landscape in this area. The construction of several homes east of the intersection in recent years has increased stormwater volume by increasing impervious cover that prevents stormwater infiltration in this area.
The proposed management of this area includes two BMPs that will reduce the volume of stormwater reaching the existing gully and stabilize the area to prevent future erosion. The first component of the project includes the installation of subsurface infiltration chambers within the Town right-of-way along Mill River Rd. The second component involves stabilizing the gully with stone and allowing for infiltration within the stabilized area.
FNLC has received a grant from the North Direct Lake Basin Water Quality Council (BWQC 5) to develop a final engineering design for this project, which can be used for implementation. We hope to subcontract with an environmental consultant to develop the final design. FNLC will provide project management and outreach to municipal partners, landowners, and other stakeholders, as well as present findings to the Town of Georgia Selectboard. During a previous select board meeting, we received unanimous support to pursue this project.
B. Scope of Work
C. Content of Proposals
Responses to this request for proposals (RFP) should consist of the following:
A statement identifying individuals who participated in the preparation of the proposal as well as a single point of contact.
A list of individuals that will be committed to this project and their professional qualifications. The names and qualifications of any sub-consultants shall be included in this list.
A scope of work and project budget. The budget should provide hourly rate information. The effort will be reimbursed on a time and materials basis.
D. Project Budget
Friends of Northern Lake Champlain received a grant from the North Direct Lake Basin Water Quality Council with a budget of $13,000 (including $1,000 for wetland delineation, if necessary) allocated to consultant fees to develop the 60% design, 100% final design, documentation of required permits, O&M agreement, final design report, opinion of probable cost for implementation, and basic bid document for implementation.
E. Other Requirements
FNLC requires its contractors to maintain workers compensation and liability insurance. Contractors must submit proof of adequate insurance coverage on an annual basis for the duration of the project. The Contractor shall, at its sole expense, obtain and maintain in force, and shall require any subcontractor or assignee to obtain and maintain in force, both for the benefit of FNLC, the following kinds and amounts of insurance:
Workers’ Compensation Insurance. The policy shall cover the obligations of the Contractor in accordance with the Workers’ Compensations Law and Disability Benefits Law covering all operations under the Contract, whether performed by it, or by its subcontractor.
Liability and Property Damage Insurance. Unless otherwise specified, each policy shall have limits not less than: $2,000,000 combined (Bodily Injury & Property Damage); $3,000,000 aggregate, single limit per occurrence.
F. Submissions
Consultants wishing to be considered for this project should submit a complete proposal including a detailed project budget via email only to:
Kent Henderson
Board Chair
Friends of Northern Lake Champlain
Please use “Mill River SE Final Design” in the subject line. We must receive all proposals no later than 5 PM on June 9th, 2023. Prospective consultants may request a copy of the 30% design for this project in order to develop their proposal. Please email to request the 30% design.
G. Contract Time Period
Contractors may begin work as soon as the selection process is complete. The final design for this project is expected to be completed by December 2023.